Monday, January 23, 2012

Major Diversity/ Classes

 1.       Annelida
a.       Class Polychaeta - all marine environment worms
b.      Class Oligochaeta - Earthworms
c.       Class Hirudinea - Leeches
2.       Platyhelminthes
a.       Class turbellaria - Free living flatworms 
b.      Class Monogenea - small parasitic flukes 
c.       Class Trematoda - Parasitic flukes, sheep liver flukes, blood flukes
d.      Class Cestoda - parasitic tapeworms that live in humans, dogs, cats, cows, ect.
3.       Nematodes
                        a.  Class Chromadorea- roundworm
                        b.  Class Secernentea - main class of nematodes, characterized by numerous caudal papillae or group of sensory organs that are used for identification of nematodes.    

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